We accept the following recyclables:
- Aluminum (cans, foil, and trays)
- Steel (tins and cans)
- Clear, brown, and green glass (bottles and jars)
- PET (1) clear and green plastic resin (soda, water, and beverage bottles)
- HDPE (2) clear plastic resin (juice and milk jugs)
- HDPE (2) colored plastic resin (detergent containers)
- PVC (3) plastic resin (narrow neck containers only)
- LDPE (4) plastic resin (margarine tubs, six-pack rings, dessert cups)
- PP (5) plastic resin (yogurt cups, syrup containers, ketchup bottles)
- Other (7) plastic resin (narrow neck containers only)
- Aseptic packaging and gable top containers (milk and juice cartons)
- Plastic buckets (kitty litter containers; 5-gallon size maximum)
Paper Fiber
- Brown paper bags
- Cardboard (non-waxed only)
- Carrier stock (soda can cases)
- Chipboard (cereal boxes, snack boxes)
- Junk mail and envelopes (no unused stamps, plastic cards, or stick-on labels)
- Paperback books (no hardcover books)
- Telephone books, catalogs, and magazines
- Newspaper and newspaper inserts (no plastic sleeves)
- Gift wrap, notebook, computer, and office paper (no binders, spirals, or metal clips)
To be accepted, all containers must be emptied of their contents and rinsed clean. We do not accept containers that contain an insecticide, motor oil, hazardous chemicals, or herbicides.
We do not accept the following materials as recyclables:
- Plastic: grocery bags, storage bins, snack bags, Solo cups, silverware, packaging, hangers, film, tarps, sheets, wrap, or chemical/motor oil bottles
- Pizza boxes, shredded paper, labels, hardcover books, waxed paper, paper cups or towels
- Clear polystyrene or expanded foam
- Window glass, ceramics, or dinnerware
- Aerosol cans, batteries, prescription bottles, garden hoses, or Christmas lights
To view the residential recycling schedule for your area, please click here.
Do Your Part Today
Thank you Chicagoland for considering your impact on the environment and recycling. If you have any questions or would like to sign up for services, call us today at 708-388-9910. We’re here to help!